who’s Victoria?

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
for B2B SaaS companies

Services to Simplify & Refine Your SaaS Messaging

Leads and users are too busy. They will ignore anything that requires extra mental effort. Simplify your messaging to avoid losing them.
definition > messaging
how your SaaS teams communicate with leads, users, and customers across all touchpoints
definition > simplifying
the action of making your messaging 100% clear, concise, and easy to digest
the problem

The ONE thing you ignore

Do you know how your leads & users process information?
the hypothesis

People can’t handle complex info

Leads & users are knowledge workers
They face info overload & comms burnout
This leads to ongoing mental fatigue
Which fragments their attention, and
Limits their ability to process new info
So they’ll ignore complex messaging
the consequence

Complexity kills people’s interest

If your SaaS copy or materials are too dense, people will disengage.
They will perceive your software as confusing and refuse to sign up, pay for a plan, or use it actively.
facts you can’t deny

Your leads & users struggle

People face complexity at every step. Data is louder than a Taylor Swift concert
30% of knowledge workers' workweeks are spent finding the right info — 2.4 hours daily.
(Forrester, 2022)
... too frustrated
Knowledge workers spend a staggering 88% of their workweek just communicating.
(Grammarly, 2024)
... too  scattered
70% of the global workforce struggle with information overload.
(OpenText, 2023)
... too stressed
2 in 3 knowledge workers struggle with having the time & energy to do their job.
(Microsoft, 2024)
... too tired

Complex messaging will turn your leads and users away.

the solution

Simplify your messaging or they’ll ignore you

Boring and clear is better than ‘original,’ yet confusing.

Make it simple

Find ONE core idea for your narrative
Distill complexity into simple ideas
Design a logical flow for your narrative
Reduce the info density (less is more)
Build a coherent & simple layout
Refine messaging for clarity

Keep it simple

Never assume prior knowledge
Build one source-of-truth internally
Adopt controlled language
Use modular messaging for consistency
Foster a culture of simplicity internally
Run communication training internally
simplify everything

Simplify your SaaS copy, materials, and docs

Make sure leads & users will easily understand you at every stage of their journey.
software microcopy
website copy
marketing materials
sales materials
onboarding materials
knowledge base
product updates
customer education
content (e.g., blogs)

Try hands-on services for simplifying your messaging.

my services

How I can help you

I’m Vic (check my LinkedIn) and I help SaaS companies to simplify (radically) their messaging.

Hire me full-time

I’m open to a full-time role within a SaaS company with relocation.

Build & deploy SaaS comms strategies
Align internal & external comms
Assist all teams with messaging
Roll-out controlled language
Achieve messaging clarity & quality

Hire me per project

Let’s roll up our sleeves & work on granular messaging projects.

Simplify your SaaS materials & content
Build a coherent messaging layout
Create a controlled language guide
Audit and fix big messaging issues
Help you explain complex capabilities
newsletter for SaaS people

Get 1 playbook each Monday

Learn how to simplify & refine your SaaS messaging and communicate well with leads and users—all in a few minutes per week. We’ll discuss one best practice per week, including:
Core mechanics
Real-world examples
Benefits & risks
Implementation steps
Actionable tips
Templates & frameworks
Welcome to SaaS Refinery! You’ll receive one playbook on Mondays.
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